The Role of Probiotics in Boosting the Immune System
Did you know your body needs bacteria for optimum functioning? Yes, probiotics - also known as good bacteria - are essential for he
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6 Simple Ways to Boost Your ImmunityYour immune system is your shield against a world of illnesses. It can fight against flu, the common cold, and other disease-causing germs such as parasites, vir
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Self-care, as a concept, has sparked a lot of controversies in today's health trends. It is often misrepresented as selfishness or an excessive gratification of one's wants or desires. And sometime
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When you feel the sniffles coming on, or
the fogginess that preludes a head cold, you would think of getting some
Vitamin C! Yes, Vitamin C is good for you. But what form of vitamin C is best
for y
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