Sunscreen is More Than Just Sun Protection

Posted by Naturelova on 24th Jun 2022

Sunscreen is More Than Just Sun Protection

Sunscreen is More Than Just Sun Protection

Did you know sunscreen has more to offer than just protection from the sun’s rays? Yes! Indeed, sunscreen is a must-use product for active outdoor days, but it is not to be ignored on other days either, or even indoors for the matter. For, the sun can damage your skin in more ways than you think. If you are inclined towards avoiding sunscreen on days you have nowhere to go or when the weather is cloudy and dull, think again. Even a limited amount of exposure to the sun’s radiation can irreversibly damage your skin.

Through this article, you will learn about all the benefits of sunscreen and what is the right time to apply it.

Why is Sunscreen Important?

Sunscreen Protects Skin from UV Rays

UV defence is a sunscreen’s primary function. A good sunscreen should protect your skin from the harmful effect of ultraviolet rays. You can assess the UV defence in a product by looking at its protection grade for ultraviolet-A (PA) and sun protection factor (SPF).

SPF is a measure that indicates how well it can protect your skin against UVB rays when applied compared to when it's not applied. So basically, when you use sunscreen with SPF 30, it is likely to take 30 times longer for your skin to get a sunburn than when you didn’t apply any.

UVB rays are responsible for causing sunburn and potential skin cancer. On the other hand, UVA rays cause premature skin ageing and wrinkles along with tanning. Using a sunscreen which mentions “broad spectrum” on it would be helpful to protect your skin from both types of UV rays.

Generally, it is recommended that you apply an SPF 30 sunscreen on your face and body daily - no matter the activity or weather. However, you should preferably apply SPF 50 when you are going out or exposing yourself to sunlight for a longer duration.

When selecting the PA levels of sunscreen, choose a product with more plus signs. More plus signs suggest that the protective film of the sunscreen will allow a lower amount of harmful UV-A rays to pass through.

Wear a good sunscreen with high SPF and PA levels to significantly lower your risk of skin cancers such as Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and Melanoma. It can also help prevent sunspots, which are often a precursor to skin cancers.

Sunscreen Offers Pollution Defence

As you already know, sun damage is not the only thing to be concerned about. Your skin also requires shielding from the pollution around you. The dust, smoke, pollen, and other fine particles in the environment can irritate your skin. These can make your skin react unexpectedly and look dull and red. Not only can pollution cause inflammation, but it also damages collagen and disrupt the skin barrier. Plus, it can accelerate ageing.

You can prevent all of these by simply using a protective sunscreen on a daily basis - even on a dull day! Certain ingredients in your sunscreen can proactively protect against environmental stressors such as car emissions, iron particles from rail tracks, cigarette smoke, and blue light from smartphones.

Sunscreen Has Anti-Ageing Properties

Wouldn’t you just love your skin to look young, glowing, and supple all the time? Well, sunscreen can help you attain just that! By warding off harmful UV rays, sunscreens can slow down skin ageing. You will get additional anti-ageing benefits if you choose a sunscreen infused with antioxidants that protect your skin against free radicals. Free radicals can break down collagen in your skin and cause wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and dark spots - all of which are signs of skin ageing prematurely.

Simply applying a product can protect your skin against these harmful impacts of free radicals, and you can delay the skin ageing process. Note that you should choose a sunscreen with a high PA level. This will protect you from UV-A rays and, therefore, delay the impacts of UV-A, such as photo-ageing.

Sunscreen Prevents Sunburn

Without a doubt, the most popular benefit of using sunscreen is to prevent tanning and sunburns. When your bare skin is exposed to the sun, the outer layer darkens to block the harmful rays. Unfortunately, this golden tan is one of the earliest signs of sun damage. Sun exposure can also dilate blood vessels and make your skin look red.

Simply applying the right protective product to your face and body regularly and adequately, you will see a drastic change in your skin. Using a good sunscreen can not only help you maintain your natural skin tone but can also give you a radiant glowing complexion.

You should also invest in a good sunscreen for your children as the sun can easily damage their sensitive skin. Ensure to apply a liberal amount all over their body before sun exposure, especially when swimming, playing a sport or enjoying a lovely afternoon at the beach.

Many sunscreens contain ingredients that can help your skin recover from both oxidative and sun damage, which in turn helps improve your overall skin tone. There are also tinted sunscreens that promise an even skin tone.

When Should You Wear Sunscreen?

Now that you know how beneficial sunscreens are, you can reap the benefits by consistently applying them. However, there are a few things to remember if you want the best results. First, do your research and find an effective sunscreen with high sun-defending properties.

When you have the right product at hand, apply it about 15 to 20 minutes before you head out. This is important as your skin takes time to absorb the sunscreen. To keep your skin thoroughly protected and maintain its radiance, reapply sunscreen every two or three hours. If you are swimming or sweating a lot, reapply sunscreen once every hour.

Sunscreen application takes only about five minutes. Make sure your skin is dry before you generously slather sunscreen over all the sun-exposed skin. Don’t just use sunscreen to protect your face! Your neck, hands, feet, and even ears need sun protection too. Note that sunscreen can also protect your skin from the blue light emitted from your laptop and phone screens.


The best thing you can do to prevent skin damage and reduce the risk of skin cancer is to apply sunscreen diligently. Going out? Apply sunscreen. Sitting by a window at home? Apply sunscreen. Gardening on a cloudy day? Apply sunscreen.

Sunscreen can help protect you from the harsh rays of the sun and delay skin ageing. It is a protective film that can also protect your skin from environmental pollutants. Moreover, it can help avoid tanning and sunburns. Surely, sunscreen has plenty of advantages, but you need to apply it the right way and at the right time to enjoy the benefits. So don’t forget to include sunscreen in your everyday skincare routine.