Say Goodbye to Frizzy Hair With These Simple Tips!

Say Goodbye to Frizzy Hair With These Simple Tips!

Posted by Naturelova on 6th Jun 2022

Say Goodbye to Frizzy Hair With These Simple Tips!

Are you tired of frizzy hair? Well, you’re not alone! Millions of people struggle with unmanageable and lifeless hair. If you have tried everything you could think of and failed every time, we have good news.

Managing frizzy hair is possible. But, of course, you need to first address the cause of frizziness in your hair and find a solution. Until that, you can rely on readily available and effective hair remedies.

Yes, you can take steps to reverse the condition of your moisture-less hair and enjoy healthy and manageable hair. In this article, we will help you find what may be causing the frizziness and also discuss how you can manage it.

What Causes Frizzy Hair?

Straight hair, curly hair, or a mix of both - it does not matter. Frizzy hair can haunt just about anyone. When it comes to frizziness, the prime suspects are unwashed hair, lack of moisture, and other environmental factors such as humidity.

How you wash your hair or how often you wash your hair can play a significant role in causing frizzy hair. If you do not wash your hair often, the build-up can cause frizziness. However, long hot showers are not recommended either. The longer you allow water (especially hot water) to seep into your hair, the more natural oil will be stripped from your hair. Additionally, over-shampooing and left-behind hair product residue can leave hair looking dry and dull.

Using heat styling products such as blow dryers and curling irons can also damage your hair and cause frizziness. What’s more, your hair will be more prone to frizziness if the environment is more humid. Thankfully, you can reverse and prevent damaged hair with proper hair care.

Simple Tips to Manage Frizzy Hair

Apply Argan Oil

If you have extraordinarily rough and unmanageable hair, you should become best friends with argan oil. The wonder oil flaunts a thinner texture and feels lighter on hair when compared to olive oil or coconut oil. Rich in nutrients, it can nourish your hair without weighing you down.

Be sure to use pure argan oil. Massage it onto the roots and apply along the length of your tresses before shampooing. You may also use it on the ends of your locks as a hair serum.

Get the Benefits of a Hair Spa with the Hot Towel Treatment

Want to get silky, soft, and manageable hair as one gets after an expensive day at the hair spa? Then, the at-home hot towel treatment is a must-try. Do this twice a week when you apply oil. All you have to do is dip a towel in hot water and wrap it around your head.

Leave the hot towel on for 20 to 30 minutes before you hop into the shower. The moisture will help your hair absorb the nutrients in the oil and result in beautiful soft hair without any frizz.

Apply a Good Anti-frizz Hair Serum

Do you think hair serums are ineffective against frizziness? Well, you’re wrong. The hair serum can be highly effective against frizziness if appropriately used. Choose a high-quality serum that is free of paraben. Take a small quantity on your palm and massage it gently on your hair strands. Make sure to apply the serum to the hair ends as the ends are more prone to dryness, roughness, and frizz.

Use a hair serum every time after you wash your hair but do not use too much. Instead, use just a few drops of the suitable serum to get frizz-free hair. Alternatively, you make easy homemade serums. One of the easiest ways to make an easy homemade hair serum is by mixing equal amounts of coconut oil, soy oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil.

Use the Right Shampoo

Is your shampoo stripping your hair of natural oil? Then, it is time to find a more hair-friendly shampoo. When shopping for one, pay close attention to the list of ingredients.

Choose a sulfate-free shampoo. Sulfate can make your hair dry and lead to frizziness. Sulfate-free options can help maintain the natural oil levels of your hair. Also, select a product with high glycerine content. If glycerine is listed higher up in the ingredient list, the shampoo will penetrate and hydrate your hair more. Glycerine can also absorb extra moisture, create a protective coat, and trap the moisture.

Never Skip Conditioner

Make sure you apply conditioner every time you shampoo your hair. Not just that, skip applying shampoo and lather only conditioner a few days a week. The surfactant in conditioners helps cleanse your hair. Natural conditioners are also great for maintaining optimum PH for hair while also replenishing moisture.

Choose conditioners that contain not only glycerine but also other hydrating ingredients such as shea butter. You can also make a natural anti-frizz conditioner by mixing a splash of olive oil with smashed avocado. The mixture is excellent as a deep conditioner if you leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing.

Protect Your Hair from Heat Exposure

Whenever possible, choose to air dry your hair over blow-drying. The heat from blow dryers, curling irons, and flat irons can damage your hair and make it dry. The best way to avoid dryness caused by blow dryers is to let your hair dry 90% before using the blow dryer.

You can rely on air drying and also prompt the drying process by using a cloth towel. This will minimise the risks of dry hair. When you use the heated device, be sure to hold it six inches away from your hair and move it consistently. Remember to use it in a low-heat setting and always use a diffuser to avoid direct heat. You can prevent further heat damage by using a heat protection spray.

Final Takeaway

Rough, untamed hair can be pretty annoying. However, making some easy lifestyle changes can be a game- changer. Use natural products as far as possible to give the proper nourishment your hair needs. Apart from hair care products, having a healthy diet and also introducing organic ingestible beauty products into your routine is advisable.

Once you identify what is causing your hair to become rough and frizzy, a little effort is all you need. Massage your hair roots with argan oil and do the hot towel treatment a few times a week. Next, apply conditioner every two days for added moisture - even when you do not wash with shampoo. In combination with the right products, these simple tricks can surely help you combat frizziness.