Collagen - Do I Need It?

Posted by Naturelova on 3rd Feb 2022

Collagen - Do I Need It?

The term collagen has been buzzing for a while now, thanks to the advent of digital platforms and social media. But is that the only reason why it's making a name for itself? Well, the answer is No. While social media marketing, salons, or cosmetology have helped create some awareness about this wonderful protein, the reason why it's getting all the attention is because of the benefits that come with it. Collagen is the most sought after ingestible beauty product, with the demand for natural collagen protein witnessing a surge in recent times.

If you are someone who is new to collagen and wondering if you should give collagen supplements or skincare products a try, you are at the right place. Through this article, we aim to highlight all the goodness of collagen and how it can help you lead a healthier life. So let’s get started!

Let’s Understand What Exactly is Collagen?

Collagen is one of the essential and most abundant proteins found in the human body. It is a fibre-like substance that helps form and support tissues that connect to bones, hair, skin, cartilage, tendons, muscles, etc. It aids in enduring tissue formation.

While our body produces collagen naturally, as we grow older, the production becomes less. However, there are other factors too that affect collagen production. Some of these are excessive sugar diet, alcohol consumption, poor nutrition diet, smoking, poor sleep patterns, lack of exercise, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

Leading a healthy lifestyle and nourishing your body with clean nutrients is the best way to keep your collagen levels in check. While animal foods are more known for their collagen content, there are a lot of plant-based food sources too that contain collagen. And when ingested, they quickly break down into amino acids and get distributed in our bodies. There are also some food sources that boost collagen production in our body, like nuts, soy and legumes.

What are the Benefits of Collagen?

Consumers are investing more time, money, and effort in the health and beauty aspect as they want to feel and look good. The recent search engine algorithm shows that collagen has witnessed a significant increase in online search. With the surge in demand and awareness, collagen is becoming one of the most hot-selling supplements in the health and beauty industry. It is projected that the collagen market in Asia Pacific will grow by a CAGR of 5.3% by the end of 2025.

There are various benefits of collagen; some are as listed below.

Better Skin Health

Collagen is believed to provide better skin health. But unfortunately, as we grow in age, the natural collagen production reduces, thus resulting in wrinkles and dry skin. In addition, environmental factors also play a significant role in damaging collagen fibres and making them thin and weak. But, there’s no need to worry; you have natural collagen supplements and beauty products to cater to the deficiency and help improve your skin health.

Beauty collagen supplements strengthen skin, thereby guarding elasticity and hydration. In addition, it is believed that these supplements induce your body to produce collagen, which is why you see a significant improvement in your skin structure.

Alleviate Joint Pain

Natural collagen protein supplements are beneficial in improving your joint by maintaining the quality of your cartilage which goes through wear and tear as we age. With growing age, the joints also degenerate, resulting in diseases like osteoarthritis. According to recent research, people with osteoarthritis take collagen supplements to recover from joint stiffness and pain. It is found that the collagen intake gets stored in cartilage and enhances tissues that help in collagen production, thus resulting in alleviating joint pain and elevating better health.

Strengthening Muscles

Collagen is a crucial protein needed for solid skeletal muscle. Recent studies show that collagen supplements aid in improving muscle mass in a condition known as Sarcopenia, deprivation of muscle mass with growing age. In addition, collagen supplements help improve muscle protein known as creatine that helps in better muscle growth for people who exercise regularly.

Aids in Prevention of Bone Loss

Everything begins as we age; yes, ageing is one of the primary factors for bone mass loss. Collagen is the main component in bone mass, making them solid and structured. However, it starts degenerating as we grow older, resulting in low bone density. Furthermore, it may lead to conditions like osteoporosis, leading to a higher risk of bone fractures.

Studies reveal that people who take collagen supplements and calcium have considerably low levels of proteins in blood levels that are responsible for bone breakdown. As a result, it helps improve bone mass and prevents deterioration of the bones. Also, the findings say that daily intake of collagen protein supplements over time results in a considerable increase in BMD (Bone Mineral Density).

Other Benefits

Some of the other benefits that raw beauty collagen may bless you with if used consistently-

Weight loss - The wellness industry believes that natural collagen protein improves metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Gut Health - The gut plays a vital role in your body because it helps build a robust immune system, healthy heart, a strong digestive system, and much more. Therefore, wellness proponents believe that raw collagen protein supplements should be taken to keep our gut in good shape and also help treat the leaky gut syndrome.

Strong Nails and Hair- Collagen supplements reduce nails' brittleness and make them healthier. It may also help in hair growth, strength and volume.

Collagen supplements and beauty products with collagen protein show promising results among the population consuming the same over a while. It is just that more awareness about the same is needed; that said, the digital era has been a boon in reaching out to consumers and potential consumers by educating them about collagen and its benefits.

There are several collagen supplements in the market, but vegan and plant-based supplements are much in trend for their benefits of nature friendliness. In most plant-based collagen, vitamin C is the main component, ensuring its safety to your body and skin. In addition, vegan collagen is present with amino acids, promoting better health and skin.

Raw collagen supplements have immense health benefits and are available as vegan or plant-based supplements. Alternatively, one must have a healthy diet and exercise regularly to keep the collagen levels intact. Hence, collagen is a must for a healthy lifestyle, and we all need it, irrespective of our gender.