5 Natural Remedies to Get Relief from Cold and Cough

Posted by Naturelova on 15th Feb 2022

5 Natural Remedies to Get Relief from Cold and Cough

Are you tired of frequent yet random invasions by the common cold? Well, then you’re not alone! It is often accompanied by fever, nasal congestion, body aches, and fatigue. However, the worst part about the cold is that there is no way to completely avoid it as well as treating it can be challenging. So if you are tired of trying hundreds of antibiotics and over-the-counter medicines that just don’t work, help is here.

Even though there are no real cures for cough and cold, there are several things you can do to feel better faster - thanks to natural remedies. Yes, simple home remedies and nutrition supplements really can make a difference.

In this article, you can explore five natural remedies for coughs and cold relief. What’s more, all of these are readily available remedies, and none of them come with any side effects. So, next time you catch a cold, be sure to try out these simple but effective tips and tricks.

What Makes Cold and Cough so Common?

Millions of people get the common cold each year. While adults suffer from colds two to three times per year, children are affected much more. There are many reasons why colds and coughs are so common. First of all, they are difficult to prevent. There is no foolproof method to avoid getting a cold as our natural immunity fluctuates due to many reasons like our diet, lifestyle, sleep, and stress levels. Unless we lead a very disciplined life and keep all these factors in check, it is difficult to sustain and regulate our immune systems.

Viruses are all around us, and it is beyond one to stay away from them. Viruses like adenovirus, influenza, and parainfluenza cause colds. Most colds, however, are triggered by rhinovirus, which can have around a hundred different strains. For this reason, making a vaccine to prevent colds has been impossible.

Instead, we need to work on building our immunity, which can easily be done by introducing health supplements in our lives. They are packed with nutrients and convenient. While they will not completely eliminate the risk, they can help prevent our bodies from fluctuating to low levels and becoming an easy target for viruses.

Another reason that makes coughs and colds so common is that they are challenging to treat. Antibiotics cannot treat viral flus. Even though a few antiviral medications are now available for viruses like herpes and influenza, no vaccines can treat rhinoviruses, the most common culprit behind colds.

The final reason that makes colds notoriously common is that they spread easily. The viruses can spread through coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, touching surfaces like doorknobs, or even when talking. This is why the infected person can easily pass the virus to others, creating a long, never-ending cycle, just like the Coronavirus, which has taken the world by storm.

But while cold is very common, not to worry, they are usually rather harmless, and you can always treat the symptoms with a wide range of natural remedies. You can also make use of these remedies to alleviate Covid-19 flu-like symptoms after having referred to your usual doctor for advice.

5 Natural Remedies to Cure Cold and Cough

Include Ginger in Your Diet

As little as 1 gram of ginger can help alleviate various cold symptoms. You can sprinkle some salt over small slices of ginger and chew to get relief from cold, sore throat, or cough. This can also ward off nauseous tendencies that usually come with the influenza virus.

Alternatively, you can extract ginger juice, add tulsi (holy basil) leaves, and consume it for cold relief. Another fantastic way to use ginger as a natural remedy for cold and cough relief is to drink ginger tea. Not only is it a tasty warm beverage, but it is also helpful for expelling phlegm from the airway. So, try to drink a few servings of ginger tea if you have a runny nose.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics are friendly bacteria and yeast. However, these cannot relieve a cough or other cold symptoms directly. Instead, they can help balance the bacteria in your gut. This boosts the immune system and speeds up the recovery time. A more robust immune system will help fight allergens or infections more effectively.

Probiotics can be found in your body, but you can intake probiotics through food and supplements too. For example, you can have probiotic nut milk yoghurt as a healthy snack or use kimchi, sauerkraut, and miso soup for a nutritious and delicious serving of probiotics.

An effortless way to include probiotics in your diet is by taking supplements containing Lactobacillus and other helpful bacterias. Probiotic supplements can reduce your chances of getting sick and improve recovery time.

Drink Warm Liquids

Drinking warm liquids such as tea, soup, or warm juice is commonly recommended in many cultures. This is a beneficial remedy as it will for sure give a soothing experience. In addition, warm drinks can increase mucus flow and ease congestion.

Even though drinks like hot soup and ginger-infused tea can have additional benefits, drinking lukewarm water can also be surprisingly beneficial. Warm water can reduce inflammation in your throat and flush out infection and fluids from the body.

Fresh Mint Tea is another great beverage to sip on if you want coughs and cold relief. Another option is to add turmeric to warm almond milk. It will help with cold symptoms and also ensure a good night’s sleep.

Try Homoeopathy Medicines

If you have tried just about everything but cannot win with the nasty cold, then it is time to try homoeopathy medicines. Be it a sore throat, headache, or runny nose; there are homoeopathic medicines for every cold symptom. Made from natural ingredients, these medicines do not generally have any side effects.

Homoeopathy medications will vary depending on the symptoms. For example, Aconite is prescribed in the first 24 hours of restlessness and fever after dry or cold weather exposure. Allium cepa can treat streaming colds accompanied by watery eyes and sneezing, while Phosphorus is provided to those suffering from dry cough. Other homoeopathy medicines commonly used for coughs and cold relief are Arsenicum Album, Ferrum phosphoricum, Gelsemium, and Kali Mur. For faster relief, you can also rely on oral sprays containing all these super ingredients.

Increase Zinc Intake

Studies show that zinc supplements can help prevent you from falling sick. They boost your immunity and reduce your cold. So when you are ill, try to increase your zinc intake. You can simply do this by adding zinc-rich food such as dark chocolate, sunflower seeds and citrus foods to your diet.

There are zinc syrups and lozenges in the market, which too will help alleviate your symptoms. Otherwise, you may opt for supplements that contain zinc. Adequate amounts of zinc can decrease the length of a cold, especially when taken during the early stages of the cold (between 24 to 48 hours of the initial symptoms of a cold). As zinc overdose can have harmful side effects, discuss with your doctor before using it as a natural remedy.

The best way to not be bothered with the array of cold symptoms is to prevent it. And if you still happen to get it even after taking all the possible preventions, don’t rely on antibiotics to treat it, like many people do. Antibiotics cannot fight a respiratory virus. In addition, taking such powerful medications unnecessarily might make it difficult for your body to fight bacterial infections in the future. You could choose over-the-counter medicines for specific symptoms. While these medicines can treat symptoms, they cannot reduce recovery time. Plus, over-the-counter medicines are often followed by a huge list of side effects.

So, what can you do? You can try simple and easily accessible natural ingredients to treat coughs and colds. Something as simple as drinking a lot of water and ensuring adequate rest can aid your immune system. By taking a few extra measures, you can assure quicker recovery.

Also, make some lifestyle changes to live a healthy life - eat clean, exercise and get enough rest. Even the commonest of illnesses will stay away from you if you are healthy from within.